ProQuest Research Library
ProQuest is uniquely positioned to help libraries recreate physical collections in electronic format. Proprietary process maps physical items – books, periodicals, government documents, newspapers, archival materials and even music scores and videos – to e-versions contained in digital archive.
Read & Learn Anytime, Anywhere. Discover the best reads on various topics of interest in the Philippines languages, education and cultures.
EBSCO host
EBSCO is the leading provider of research databases, e-journals, magazine subscriptions, e-books and discovery service to libraries of all kinds. For more than 70 years, we’ve partnered with libraries to improve research with quality content and technology.
Philippine E-journals
The Philippine E-Journals (PEJ) is an online collection of academic publications of different higher education institutions and professional organizations. Its sophisticated database allows users to easily locate abstracts, full journal articles, and links to related research materials.